2023-01-14 - Lettuce & Cabbage

Day #0014 (Sat., Jan. 14, 2023) – Lettuce or Cabbage?

2023-01-14 - Lettuce & CabbageThis morning the scale’s reading was 341.7 lbs. Not to bad given the fact that my eating plan pretty well fell apart last night. So although I am up 2.0 lbs. since yesterday, I’m still down 5.9 lbs. overall.

It’s always great to have both lettuce and cabbage in the house (see photo to the right).  It’s a toss up to me on which I like the most… 🙂

Since my weight is up since yesterday I thought I would eat more strictly today.  I made a great pot of soup in the Instant Pot to start off the day.  Some potatoes, carrots, peppers, and celery floating around in some vegetable broth.

Today’s eating consisted of:

  • Two bowls of vegetable soup (mentioned above).
  • Two slices of low-cal toast with sugar-free jam and PB2.
  • One “egg white” sandwich.
  • Diet cola (not Diet Coke).
  • Coffee with creamer.
  • Sugar-Free chocolate…  I was supposed to stay away from this today, right?  Habits die hard!

I think I’m going to have to rethink this “sugar free” chocolate thing…  It seems to be very addictive and I cannot stop with just one!

Tomorrow is another day!  See you at the scale!

Author: MainAdmin

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