2023-01-15 - Potato Cake Experiment

Day #0015 (Sun., Jan. 15, 2023) – Potato Cake Experiment!

2023-01-15 - Potato Cake ExperimentThis morning I weighed in at 339.0 lbs.  This surprised me as I got into the “sweets” last night.  I guess this just tells you that you can’t always know whether your weight will be up or down in the morning.  Sometimes I have eaten quite well, which is what I thought at least, and my weight ballooned the next day.  Go figure…  At any rate, I’m down 2.7 lbs. since yesterday, and down 8.6 lbs. in the two weeks since this diet began…

Take a look at the photo to the right.  Pretty plain looking right?  Well, it’s just “mashed potatoes”, formed into a cake, and in the “air fryer” before baking.  My thoughts were to do a “Potato Cake Experiment” today, which I did kinda…  I baked this one up, and then another one like it but with some “Non-Chicken Spice” in it.  Both were delish, but I think I favored the one with the “Non-Chicken Spice” the best..  I was going to continue with this experiment but I had to take my son to a birthday party.

Well, while at the party I got into the pizza.  Only one slice actually, but this started me down the road to eating “not healthy” today…  Here’s what I had to eat today.

  • Potato Cake (see photo to the right).
  • Diet Cola.
  • Slice of Pepperoni Pizza.
  • Two Big Macs.
  • Way too much chocolate.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day.  Let’s see how the scale “beats me up” tomorrow…


Author: MainAdmin

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