2023-01-13 - Low-Cal Wrap

Day #0013 (Fri., Jan. 13, 2023) – “Low Calorie” Wraps!

2023-01-13 - Low-Cal WrapI delayed eating this morning hoping that my weight would go down past yesterday’s, but to no avail. By 4 pm I was ready to eat!  I weighed in at 339.7 lbs., which is up 0.4 lbs. since yesterday and down 7.9 lbs. overall.

The low-cal wraps in the photo the right have been a wonderful find, and a big part of my dieting strategy so far.  It’s amazing how almost “anything” in a wrap tastes!  I mean you could practically just wrap up some lettuce in one of these wraps and it would taste good.  At 80 calories each, with a bit of lettuce and some spices, well, you know where I’m going with this.  The only thing you really need to be careful of is the sauces you put into it.  It defeats the “low cal” purpose if you put some cream and cheese sauce into it.

So let’s see what I had to eat today:

  • A burrito wrap (see photo to the right).  Lettuce, cabbage, spices, avocado, and a bit of turkey.
  • Apple.
  • Potatoes (in the slow cooker), green beans, and tuna with a bit of Miracle Whip.
  • (Here’s where I go off the track)…  Chips, frozen ice cream, peanut butter cookie, “Little Debbie” cakes, and mixed nuts.

So I ate pretty good for the start of the day.  I even started eating late in the day, so you’d think I would have been good?  Well that all went “off the wheels” with my evening dessert.  Evenings seem to be the real rough time in eating for me, and the time that I’m most likely to go off track…

Let’s see what the scale says tomorrow.  I’m thinking I might eat a lot of soup tomorrow, and maybe even add a bit of exercise into my routine.

See you at the scale!


Author: MainAdmin

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