2022-08-17 - Lasagna & Salad

Day #0013 (Wed., Aug. 17, 2022) – Total Down: 3.70 lbs.!

2022-08-17 - Weigh InToday the scale told me that I weighed 346.1 lbs. (see photo to the left). This means that I am up 0.7 lbs. since yesterday.  What’s up with that?  I thought I ate pretty good yesterday?  Oh well, at least I’m down 3.70 lbs. overall!

2022-08-17 - Chili & ToastFor breakfast this morning (brunch actually) I finished off the bowl of chili that I made the other day (see photo to the right). You might not be able to tell from the photo, but there are a lot of potatoes underneath.

2022-08-17 - Lasagna & SaladFor dinner this evening I had a nice meal of lasagna that I picked up from Aldi, along with some salad (see photo to the left).  My dressing on the salad is my “goto” now, consisting of lite mayo, ketchup, and some sweet relish.  Tonight I had pickles instead of sweet relish.

2022-08-17 - WafflesFor my evening dessert I had a couple of waffles with a tiny little bit of maple syrup (see photo to the right).  I was thinking of whether or not to add some whipped cream, but we were out, so the decision was made for me.

Just before I went to bed for the evening I had a nice big mug of coffee with some oat milk. I’m thinking of making my own oat milk in the future as I’m told all you need to do is mix oats up in a high speed blender with some water.

Author: MainAdmin

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