2022-08-16 - Muffins

Day #0012 (Tue., Aug. 16, 2022) – Total Down: 4.40 lbs.!

2022-08-16 - Weigh InI weighed in at 345.4 lbs. this morning as you can see in the photo to the left. This means that I’m down 0.5 lbs since yesterday, and 4.40 lbs overall! I will take it!

2022-08-16 - HashbrownsFor breakfast this morning (more of a brunch at 11 am actually), I made a nice big pot of hashbrowns in the air fryer. I also added a package of frozen corn, and some vegetarian spices as well. Voila! Delish! You can see a plate of it drenched in ketchup in the photo to the right.

2022-08-16 - WatermelonFor dessert I had a huge bowl of watermelon (see photo to the left). I try not to get a lot of watermelon in the evening as I will need to go to the bathroom in th emiddle of the night.

2022-08-16 - MuffinsRemember those blueberry muffins I mentioned yesterday?  The ones in which I gave the recipe but didn’t photograph?  Well, I made them again today and this time I did take a photo of them (see photo to the right). As was the case yesterday, they were delish! And pretty low-cal as well. Certainly a “go to” food, especially when I’m looking for something to have with my coffee.

For my dinner this evening I had a large salad, something that I’ve not been having as of late, and need to incorporate more of. In terms of what was in the salad, it was mostly greens. The dressing was this concoction I make with equal parts of light mayo, ketchup, and relish. I then had the remainder of the pot of hashbrowns/corn that I cooked this morning.

Author: MainAdmin

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