2023-01-12 - Sugar Free Chocolate

Day #0012 (Thu., Jan. 12, 2023) – “Sugar Free” Chocolate!

DeltaWell, I’m a bit up today at 339.5 lbs. I’m not going to worry about this too much as I now have a “7 Day Moving Average Calculation” (see photo to the left). This will average out the weight that I am for the past 7 days, and give me a reading. As long as I’m down, I’m good to go. See how the weight is going down?  So even though I’m up for the day 0.5 lbs., I’m still down 8.1 lbs. overall.

2023-01-12 - Sugar Free ChocolateSometimes you have a “hankering” for something sweet that will just not go away.  Today I had some “sugar free” chocolate (see photo to the right).  It sure hit the spot, but I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not?  Sometimes having something sweet will only want you to have more sweets…  Time will tell…

So, let’s talk about everything that I had to eat today.

  • Two “Egg White Burritos” with turkey bacon.
  • Bowl of tomato soup.
  • Some of the chocolate shown in the photo to the right (a bit too much actually).
  • Two “Egg White” Sandwiches with cheese.
  • Some more chocolate (bad boy).
  • Frozen ice cream treat (we used to call them “Artic Bars” when I was a kid).

I need to get away from the frozen ice cream treats and the chocolate and eat more fruit!  Those grapes keep looking at me whenever I open the fridge…  Let’s put that on my “to do” list…


Author: MainAdmin

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