2023-01-09 - Fruit Bar

Day #0009 (Mon., Jan. 9, 2023) – Frozen Fruit Bar

2023-01-09 - Fruit BarThis morning the scale beamed back at me the value: 339.2 lbs. This means I’m down 0.3 lbs. since yesterday, and 8.4 lbs. overall.

One “secret” (if you want to call it such) in the diet game that I have found is healthy substitutions.  In this way you can have “almost” the same foods that you love, without all the extra calories.  Take for example the frozen fruit bar shown in the photo to the right.  You could have a delish Haagen-Dazs ice cream bar at about 250 calories, or one of these, at about 100 calories.  Both are delish, and a frozen treat, but how about saving 150 calories?  If you are on a diet this is a no-brainer!

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Breakfast burritos.  I made a couple of these today and used only “egg whites” instead of whole eggs.  Wrap these egg whites up into a low-cal burrito with lettuce, cabbage, hummus, and yogurt.
  • For my lunchtime dessert I had one of the frozen fruit bars that you see in the photo to the right.
  • This evening I had a couple more burritos, but this time no eggs, but some mushed up potatoes that I “air fried”.
  • I purchased this “sugar-free” chocolate bar at the store the other day and got into that today.  I’m not sure about these…  Low-calorie for sure, but they can sure be addictive.  It’s hard to stop once you start eating them.
  • Coffee with some new “sugar-free” creamer that I picked up at the store the other day when I purchase the chocolate.


Author: MainAdmin

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