2022-12-26a - Waffles

Day #0009 (Mon., Dec. 26, 2022) – Weight: 345.2 lbs., Total Loss: 6.6 lbs., Score: 3/7!

2022-12-26 - Weigh InI weighed in at 345.2 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This means that I’m up 3.3 lbs. since yesterday, and down 6.6 lbs. since I started this diet.

Here’s how I did today! The following rules are based in order of importance…

[Yes/No] Rule #1: Spend your day focusing on something other than food.  You will save a lot of time not having to prep during this plan, so what will you spend your time on?

As usual, there was a lot going on today.  Playing with the Christmas presents we got, but also cleaning up the basement.

[Yes/No] Rule #2: I can only eat for 8 hours a day maximum.  This means that I will be fasting for a minimum of 16 hours each day.

2022-12-26a - WafflesTotal hours eating: ALL DAY – WAY TOO MANY.

[Yes/No] Rule #3: I [did] [did not] adhere to the following allowed eating guidelines today.

2022-12-26b - Chinese FoodDuring my eating hours I will be staying away from sugar and bread.

I started off today of eating with some “Waffles & Cheese” (see photo to the right).  Some whip cream on top for that sweet touch!

2022-12-26c - Diet CokeNext up, some “Chinese Food” (see photo to the left).  Left overs from last night.  Not the usual breakfast dish, but good nonetheless.

How did I wash all this down?  Coffee?  Nope, some “Diet Pepsi” (see photo to the right).  Warren Buffet likes “Diet Coke”, but these were on sale…  Just saying…

2022-12-26d - Chicken Pot PieFor lunch today I had a “Chicken Pot Pie” (see photo to the left).  Tiny little ones that fit perfectly in the air fryer.  Boy these things take a long while to cook!

2022-12-26e - BiscuitFor this evening I had a couple of “Jimmy Dean Biscuits” (see photo to the right).  They have been sitting around in the freezer for a while and they were kind of tricky to heat up in the air fryer.  The cheese was overcooked by the time the biscuit was done.

2022-12-26f - FriesTime for some regular fast food.  “French Fries” in the air fryer (see photo to the left) were up next.

2022-12-26g - Chicken Pot PieI can’t seem to get enough of those “Chicken Pot Pies”, so I had another one (see photo to the right).  It takes about 30 minutes in the air fryer to make them just right.

2022-12-26h - CupcakeI had one of these great little “Cupcakes” that I picked up at Harris-Teeter this evening (see photo to the left).  Delish!  The kids liked them too.

2022-12-26i - Ice CreamFor my last eating item of the day I turned to an old reliable dessert, “Ice Cream” (see photo to the right).

[Yes/No] Rule #4: Each day I will have my daily vitamins.

One thing I did do right today was to take my daily vitamins.

[Yes/No] Rule #5: I will drink at least 3 cups of water each day.

I also drank 3+ cups of water throughout the day today.

[Yes/No] Rule #6: I will exercise for 30 minutes each day, whether a cardio or weights or abs workout.

Sorry, no exercise today, unless grocery shopping counts.

[Yes/No] Rule #7: I will spend at least some time doing TM or meditation today.

I did 0 minutes of TM or meditation today.  Need to get back into this regimen!

Author: MainAdmin

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