2022-12-25 - Weigh In

Day #0008 (Sun., Dec. 25, 2022) – Weight: 341.9 lbs., Total Loss: 9.9 lbs., Score: 2/7!

2022-12-25 - Weigh InI weighed in at 341.9 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left), which is the same weight as yesterday. This means that I’m actually up 0.7 lbs. since yesterday, but down 9.9 lbs. since I started this diet six days ago.

Here’s how I did today! The following rules are based in order of importance…

[Yes/No] Rule #1: Spend your day focusing on something other than food.  You will save a lot of time not having to prep during this plan, so what will you spend your time on?

It’s Christmas Day, so we had fun unwrapping the gifts and driving around town.

[Yes/No] Rule #2: I can only eat for 8 hours a day maximum.  This means that I will be fasting for a minimum of 16 hours each day.

Christmas Day…  I ate all day!

[Yes/No] Rule #3: I [did] [did not] adhere to the following allowed eating guidelines today.

2022-12-25a - ChipsDuring my eating hours I will be staying away from sugar and bread.

I started my eating off today with something that I love, but is not the best for you health-wise, “Potato Chips” (see photo to the right).  It is Christmas after all!

2022-12-25b - Tater TotsThis little biscuit like thing made with “Tater Tots” was up next (see photo to the left).  My wife made them as a bit of a Christmas treat.  We liked them, but the kids did not.

2022-12-25c - Chocolate“Chocolate” is always a favorite for dessert, so I had some this morning (see photo to the right).

2022-12-25d - CookieWe decided to take a drive around the neighborhood for Christmas, and stopped off at a Sheetz convenience store.  I had a “Cookie” with my coffee (see photo to the left).

2022-12-25e - Cinnamon RollOh, and I also had a “Cinnamon Roll” (see photo to the right).  It was okay, but there is nothing like the fresh variety!

2022-12-25f - Hot & Sour SoupWe had some Chinese food for dinner tonight as we watched the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life”.  I forgot to take photos of the “Sweet & Sour Chicken”, but you can see the “Hot & Sour Soup” in the photo to the left.

[Yes/No] Rule #4: Each day I will have my daily vitamins.

One good thing, I took my daily vitamins today.

[Yes/No] Rule #5: I will drink at least 3 cups of water each day.

I didn’t do good on the water front today either.

[Yes/No] Rule #6: I will exercise for 30 minutes each day, whether a cardio or weights or abs workout.

Nope, no working out…

[Yes/No] Rule #7: I will spend at least some time doing TM or meditation today.

No TM today either!

Author: MainAdmin

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