2022-08-12 - Weigh In

Day #0008 (Fri., Aug. 12, 2022) – Total Down: 3.70 lbs.!

2022-08-12 - Weigh InI weighed in at 346.1 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left).  Up a bit, but considering I had McDonald’s yesterday, not that bad.

This means that I’m up 0.2 lbs. since yesterday, but the good news is that I’ve lost 3.7 lbs. since I started the diet exactly one week ago.  3.70 lb. weight loss in one week? Not bad!  I’ll take it!

2022-08-12 - Cobb SaladI took my son to Chick-Fil-A this afternoon. He usually gets the kid’s meal. Today I tried the cobb salad with avocado lime dressing (see photo to the right).  A relatively healthy option, but certainly better than a burger at McDonald’s like yesterday’s lunch… 🙂

2022-08-12 - Rice KrispiesWhen we got home I made some rice krispie treats for my kids. For this version I used Sugar Smacks instead of Rice Krispies, and added a chocolate bar to the marshmallow mixture.  I wasn’t going to have any, but I relented and had a tiny little corner of one of the squares. Delish! You can the the whole dish of them in the photo to the left, but keep in mind that I only had a small amount of it… 🙂

2022-08-12 - FriesI was hungry this afternoon so I had a huge plate of “fries” that I made in the air fryer without any oil. Of course I love to use lots of ketchup, and you can see this in the photo to the right.

For my main meal this evening I had a huge bowl of the vegetable soup I made the other day and a couple of rice cakes with some PB2 non-fat peanut butter powder.

For dessert I had a couple of bananas, a bag of chips, and a nice big mug of coffee with oat milk.

Let’s see if I’m spanked on the scale tomorrow morning… 🙂

Author: MainAdmin

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