2022-12-02h - Chocolates

Day #0006 (Fri., Dec. 2, 2022) – 342.8 lbs., Down: 0.6 lbs., 5/5!

2022-12-02 - Weigh InI weighed in at 342.8 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This means that I’m down 1.1 lbs. since yesterday, and 0.6 lbs. since I started this diet six days ago.  Not ideal, but moving in the right direction!

Here’s how I did today!

Rule #1: I can only eat for 8 hours a day maximum.  This means that I will be fasting for a minimum of 16 hours each day.

2022-12-02a - Boo BerriesI started eating just after 2 pm this afternoon and finished eating about 7:30 pm, so that’s about 5 1/2 hours, well below 8 hours!

To start off today’s eating I had a nice big bowl of “Boo Berry Cereal” (see photo to the right).  I got this initially for the kids, but who’s to say that daddy can’t have some as well?

2022-12-02b - WingsMy wife made some “Wings” in the air fryer for the kids, so I had a couple as well (see photo to the left).  The blue cheese dressing that I picked up at Walmart yesterday was a great sauce for them.

2022-12-02c - FriesI was still hungry after the wings, so I decided to have a “Hamburger & Fries” (see photo to the right).  There is a lot in the photo, but maybe you can see the waffle fries, the ice cream cup, the donut, and the honey mustard sauce.  Yum!

2022-12-02d - PineappleA healthy touch of “Pineapple” made a great dessert for my noon time meal (see photo to the left).  The kids and wife liked it as well!

2022-12-02e - BuglesLet’s move onto my evening meal shall we?  Starting off with a bit of crunch I finished off the bag of “Bugles” (see photo to the right).  I like them, but the kids haven’t been raving about them, so I don’t think that I will be buying another bag of them.

2022-12-02f - WontonsLet’s start off next with an appetizer shall we?  “Wontons” were the appetizer of choice, and the honey mustard sauce made a great addition (see photo to the left).

2022-12-02g - Mashed PotatoesFor my main meal this evening I had some tuna and mashed potatoes (see photo to the right).  Some goat cheese crumbles, lite mayo, and a tab of butter made a great addition.

2022-12-02h - ChocolatesFor dessert I got into the “Chocolates” (see photo to the left).  I love these things, and tend to eat too many, so I’m going to have to learn how to curb these little delights in the future…

Rule #2: During the 16 hours I am fasting I am allowed zero calorie beverages like tea and coffee with some creamer.  I am also allowed zero calorie sodas and water of course.
I had a cup of coffee with creamer this morning and another one before I went to bed this evening.  I’m going to have to add some tea into the mix as well…

Rule #3: Each day I will have my daily vitamins.
Daily vitamins today?  Righto!

Rule #4: I will drink at least 3 cups of water each day.
I drank 3+ cups of water throughout the day today.

Rule #5: I will exercise for 30 minutes each day, alternating between: cardio, weights, and abs workouts.
This evening I had an ab workout while I watched television, but I don’t think this current exercise plan is working for me.  I need to tweak it a bit and add cardio each day, with weights one day and abs the other day I think…

Author: MainAdmin

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