I weighed in at 343.9 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This means that I’m down 0.4 lbs. since yesterday, but still up 0.5 lbs. since I started this diet five days ago. Not the best, but I am moving in the right direction now…
Here’s how I did today!
Rule #1: I can only eat for 8 hours a day maximum. This means that I will be fasting for a minimum of 16 hours each day.
I started eating just after 1:00 pm this afternoon and finished eating at about 7:30 pm, so about 6.5 hours of eating today!
I was out and about this afternoon and decided to stop off at McDonalds. Rather than have a big meal, I just wanted to have a bit of something to tide me over.
I decided to have a chicken sandwich (see photo to the right).
You need something to wash a chicken sandwich down, right? Enter “Coke” (see photo to the left). It’s the same price for a small or large Coke at McDonalds, so why not go for the large?
Time for dessert! I picked up a chocolate bar at the Dollar Tree, so that was my lunch dessert today (see photo to the right).
On the drive home I picked up a submarine sandwich at Walmart (see photo to the left). I ate only half of it and my daughter finished it off when I got home. I still have some Coke from my McDonalds visit, so that helped to wash it down.
White at Walmart I picked up some donuts, so I had one of those as my dessert (see photo to the right).
Once home I decided to have a delicious salad (see photo to the left). I picked up some salad greens and potato salad while at Walmart, so that was the main event, but Bugles and blue cheese dressing also played a part as well.
My beverage of choice to wash down this salad? “Diet Coke” of course (see photo to the right).
I thought I would have a little package of “Gummies” for my evening dessert (see photo to the left). Tasty, but boy do they ever go down quickly. Not sure if the calories are worth it!
I thought I was done eating, but just before my window of opportunity shut I decided to have some “Ramen Noodles” and a donut (see photo to the right). Ramen noodles is one of those foods that really takes me back to the days of college. That’s it for today’s eating!
Rule #2: During the 16 hours I am fasting I am allowed zero calorie beverages like tea and coffee with some creamer. I am also allowed zero calorie sodas and water of course.
I had two cups of coffee with sugar-free French vanilla creamer this morning and another two before I went to bed this evening.
Rule #3: Each day I will have my daily vitamins.
Daily vitamins today? Check!
Rule #4: I will drink at least 3 cups of water each day.
Yes, I drank 3+ cups of water throughout the day today.
Rule #5: I will exercise for 30 minutes each day, alternating between: cardio, weights, and abs workouts.
This evening I had a 30 minute dumbbell workout while watching the news.