2022-12-01i - Ramen

Day #0005 (Thu., Dec. 1, 2022) – 343.9 lbs., Up: 0.5 lbs., 5/5!

2022-12-01 - Weigh InI weighed in at 343.9 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This means that I’m down 0.4 lbs. since yesterday, but still up 0.5 lbs. since I started this diet five days ago.  Not the best, but I am moving in the right direction now…

Here’s how I did today!

Rule #1: I can only eat for 8 hours a day maximum.  This means that I will be fasting for a minimum of 16 hours each day.

I started eating just after 1:00 pm this afternoon and finished eating at about 7:30 pm, so about 6.5 hours of eating today!

2022-12-01a - McDonaldsI was out and about this afternoon and decided to stop off at McDonalds.  Rather than have a big meal, I just wanted to have a bit of something to tide me over.  2022-12-01b - CokeI decided to have a chicken sandwich (see photo to the right).

You need something to wash a chicken sandwich down, right?  Enter “Coke” (see photo to the left).  It’s the same price for a small or large Coke at McDonalds, so why not go for the large?

2022-12-01c - ChocolateTime for dessert!  I picked up a chocolate bar at the Dollar Tree, so that was my lunch dessert today (see photo to the right).

2022-12-01d - Sub

On the drive home I picked up a submarine sandwich at Walmart (see photo to the left).  I ate only half of it and my daughter finished it off when I got home.  I still have some Coke from my McDonalds visit, so that helped to wash it down.

2022-12-01e - DonutWhite at Walmart I picked up some donuts, so I had one of those as my dessert (see photo to the right).

2022-12-01f - SaladOnce home I decided to have a delicious salad (see photo to the left).  I picked up some salad greens and potato salad while at Walmart, so that was the main event, but Bugles and blue cheese dressing also played a part as well.

2022-12-01g - Diet CokeMy beverage of choice to wash down this salad?  “Diet Coke” of course (see photo to the right).

2022-12-01h - GummiesI thought I would have a little package of “Gummies” for my evening dessert (see photo to the left).  Tasty, but boy do they ever go down quickly.  Not sure if the calories are worth it!

2022-12-01i - RamenI thought I was done eating, but just before my window of opportunity shut I decided to have some “Ramen Noodles” and a donut (see photo to the right).  Ramen noodles is one of those foods that really takes me back to the days of college.  That’s it for today’s eating!

Rule #2: During the 16 hours I am fasting I am allowed zero calorie beverages like tea and coffee with some creamer.  I am also allowed zero calorie sodas and water of course.
I had two cups of coffee with sugar-free French vanilla creamer this morning and another two before I went to bed this evening.

Rule #3: Each day I will have my daily vitamins.
Daily vitamins today?  Check!

Rule #4: I will drink at least 3 cups of water each day.
Yes, I drank 3+ cups of water throughout the day today.

Rule #5: I will exercise for 30 minutes each day, alternating between: cardio, weights, and abs workouts.
This evening I had a 30 minute dumbbell workout while watching the news.

Author: MainAdmin

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