2023-01-03 - Air Fryer Potato Cake

Day #0003 (Tue., Jan. 3, 2023) – “Air Fryer” Potato Cake!

2023-01-03 - Air Fryer Potato CakeThis morning the scale beamed back at me the numbers 345.9 lbs. This means I’m down 0.6 lbs. since yesterday, and 1.7 lbs. since the diet began on Sunday.

For breakfast this morning I thought I would try something new, an “Air Fryer Potato Cake” (see photo to the left). I just combined some of the mashed potatoes with sweet potatoes and put them into the air fryer in a cake format. You can see the finished product in the bottom part of the photo. It sure was delish! The air fryer adds this crispness and crunchiness you’re sure to love.

So here’s a breakdown of what I had to eat today:

  • So I already mentioned the “Air Fryer Potato Cake” that I had for breakfast (which you can see in the photo to the right).
  • For dessert I had some mandarin oranges.
  • For my late lunch I had some small potatoes cut into pieces and “air fried”.  I added a slice of tilapia to this meal.
  • This evening I mushed up the rest of the instant pot mashed potatoes with a some sweet potato and added some pickles slices for my dinner meal.
  • The last thing I had in terms of food was an apple for dessert.
  • I did have a large mug of coffee with some oat meal before I “hit the hay” this evening.

So, I’m feeling pretty good about the progress I have made so far.  I mean down 1.7 lbs in 3 days?  I will take it.  I did have a bit too many mandarin oranges today…but it is what it is…

See you at the scale tomorrow morning!

Author: MainAdmin

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