2022-08-07 - Lunch

Day #0003 (Sun., Aug. 7, 2022) – Total Down: 1.70 lbs.!

2022-08-07 - WeightI weighed in this morning at 348.1 lbs. (see photo to the left), which means I’m down an additional 0.6 lbs. since yesterday. A little over half a pound! I’ll take it!  I’ve noticed that my sweet tooth is gradually going away.  I think that the sweet potatoes that I’ve been having helps in this regard.

2022-08-07 - BreakfastFor breakfast this morning I had some more hash browns in the air fryer (see photo to the right). I put some of the veggie spice I got from Aldi the other day on top and when the meal is done I add some ketchup. A nice big mug of coffee with oat milk awaits me to wash it down.

2022-08-07 - LunchFor lunch today I had some mini potatoes that I baked in the oven. Salsa and pepper were the toppings (see photo to the left). I washed this meal down with one of the sodas that I picked up the other day from Aldi.

2022-08-07 - DinnerMy third and final meal for the day was more baked potatoes. Salsa and ground black pepper (see photo to the right). I had a nice big mug of coffee with oat meal as my accompanying beverage.

Author: MainAdmin

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