I weighed in at 348.7 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This means I lost 1.1 lbs., so this diet is quite a success so far… 🙂
This morning I had some hash browns in the air fryer (see photo to the right). The toppings were pepper, veggie spice, and ketchup. I washed this down with a nice big mug of coffee with oat milk. Sure hit the spot!
After such a large plate of hash browns you would think I would be ok when lunch time came around, but that was not a the case. I was starving! I had some fries in the air fryer (see photo to the left). Delicious with some of the salsa I bought at Aldi the other day. I washed it down with this sparkling natural soda that I also purchased at Aldi.
When dinner time came around I wanted something a bit different, so I baked up some tiny little mini potatoes in the oven. Pepper, salsa, and veggie spices were the topping (see photo to the right).
I sure do love my coffee, and this oak milk I purchased at Aldi sure does the trick! It’s not only plant based, which means it’s lower in calories, but it does have a “creamy” like consistency to it. I had a nice large mug of the stuff this evening while I watched television.
Time for bed! Tomorrow is another day!