2023-01-02 - Mashed Potato Pancake

Day #0002 (Mon., Jan. 2, 2023) – “Mashed Potato” Pancake!

2023-01-02 - Mashed Potato PancakeThis morning the scale told me that I weighed 346.5 lbs.  This means I’m down 1.1 lbs. since yesterday, and 1.1 lbs. since I started the diet yesterday.

For breakfast this morning I thought I would have a “Mashed Potato” Pancake (see photo to the right)!  I saw this recipe on the internet, and it’s rather basic, just mashed potatoes heated on a skillet in the form of a pancake.  Add some sweet potatoes and some unsweetened ketchup and you’re good to go.

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Potato pancakes with some sweet potatoes on the side (see photo to the right).
  • One medium size banana.
  • Baked potatoes, “French” green beans, sweet potato, and a slice of tilapia.
  • “Air Fryer” fries, tilapia, pickles, and plenty of “no sugar” ketchup.
  • Mandarin oranges (4 of them as they were tiny).
  • Cup of coffee with oat milk.

I’m using oat milk as a “creamer” for my coffee these days, and it is quite delish.  I’m finding that after a while your desire for a sweet creamer goes away.

I forgot to take my vitamins yesterday, but I remedied that today!



Author: MainAdmin

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