2022-12-19b - Yogurt & Raspberries

Day #0002 (Mon., Dec. 19, 2022) – Weight: 345.6 lbs., Total Loss: 6.2 lbs., Score: 6/7!

2022-12-19 - Weigh InI weighed in at 345.6 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This means that I’m down a whopping 6.2 lbs. since yesterday, and therefore 6.2 lbs. since I started this diet.

Here’s how I did today! The following rules are based in order of importance…

[Yes/No] Rule #1: Spend your day focusing on something other than food.  You will save a lot of time not having to prep during this plan, so what will you spend your time on?

We’re cleaning up the basement, so going through old boxes and figuring out what needs to be thrown out keep me busy today.

[Yes/No] Rule #2: I can only eat for 8 hours a day maximum.  This means that I will be fasting for a minimum of 16 hours each day.

Total hours eating: 7 1/4 hours.  I started just after noon and finished up about 15 minutes after 7 pm this evening.

[Yes/No] Rule #3: I [did] [did not] adhere to the following allowed eating guidelines today.

During my eating hours I will be staying away from sugar and bread.

2022-12-19a - SteakFirst up today?  A “Steak & Salad” (see photo to the right).  I sure do love these steaks that I pick up at Harris-Teeter.  A package of three of them is around $11.50…and are they ever delish.

2022-12-19b - Yogurt & RaspberriesFor dessert this morning I had some “Yogurt &Raspberries”, but this morning I had some PB2 powder as well (see photo to the left).  Quite the combo!

2022-12-19c - HerringFor lunch today I had my usual salad, along with a can of herring (see photo to the right).  I have a friend who loves sardines, but I think these little canned herring slices are the tastiest of the two.

2022-12-19d - WaterRather than just food, I thought I would show what I have been using to wash my food down these days.  See “Water & Ice Cubes” in the photo to the left.

2022-12-19e - Steak DinnerFor my evening meal I returned to the last steak that I had in the package.  You can see it cooking in the air fryer to the right.  Add a nice salad and you’re good to go!

2022-1a2-19f - Yogurt & BlueberriesMy final food item today was a dish of “Yogurt & Blueberries” (see photo to the left).  I do wish there was more sauce to these berries, but I don’t want anything with sugar, so these will have to do.

[Yes/No] Rule #4: Each day I will have my daily vitamins.

Yes, I did take my vitamins today.

[Yes/No] Rule #5: I will drink at least 3 cups of water each day.

I drank about 3 cups today.  I need to drink more…

[Yes/No] Rule #6: I will exercise for 30 minutes each day, whether a cardio or weights or abs workout.

I spent about 30 minutes outside playing various games with my son, so that counts here, right?

[Yes/No] Rule #7: I will spend at least some time doing TM or meditation today.

I did 0 minutes of TM or meditation today.  Gotta get back into the habit.

Author: MainAdmin

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