2022-11-01e - Salsa

Day #0089 (Tue., Nov. 1, 2022) – Total Down: 8.1 lbs.!

2022-11-01 - Weigh InAfter yesterday’s Halloween eating I weighed in this morning at 341.7 lbs. (see photo to the left). This means that I’m up only 0.7 lbs. since yesterday, much less than expected, and I am still down 8.1 lbs. overall.

2022-11-01a - HashbrownsI’m off on a new venture to lose weight.  I’m thinking of starting off with one food, and then adding one extra food each day after that.  So, I will start with “potatoes”.  I am allowed oat milk for my coffee, zero calorie diet drinks, and condiments such as ketchup and salsa.  Let’s see how it goes.  So, I started off with some air fryer “Hash Browns” and ketchup (see photo to the right).

2022-11-01b - CoffeeTo wash these hash browns down I had a nice mug of coffee with some oat milk (see photo to the left).  I don’t really like the muddy color that the oat milk gives, but at least it’s better than having simply black coffee.

2022-11-01c - LunchFor lunch today I air fried some tiny little potatoes (see photo to the right).  I had a bit of buttery spray and you know how much I love my pepper… 🙂

2022-11-01d - Mountain DewTo wash lunch down I had a zero calorie “Mountain Dew” drink (see photo to the left).  I don’t like this yellow color either, but add a few ice cubes and it looks much better.

2022-11-01e - SalsaFor dinner this evening I had some more of the tiny little potatoes that I air fried this afternoon, but this time I added some salsa. (see photo to the right).

Low and behold, I actually did some exercise today!  Not too much mind you, but at least better than nothing.

As I finish off this post, and another mug of coffee with oat milk, I want to relay that today was not as bad as I thought it would be.  The potatoes filled me up, so I was not hungry at all.  The zero calorie drink added that little bit of sweetness that I so enjoy…

Let’s see how the scale treats me tomorrow morning.  I think the number will be quite favorable as I’ve been a good boy today… 🙂

See you then!


Author: MainAdmin

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