2022-10-21 - Weigh In

Day #0078 (Fri., Oct. 21, 2022) – Total Down: 8.1 lbs.!

2022-10-21 - Weigh InWhat???  Even with all that eating at the State Fair, I weighed in this morning at 341.7 lbs. (see photo to the left). The same weight as yesterday, but am still down 8.1 lbs. overall.  I’ll update my blog post with this image, but it’s not a very impressive image considering I’ve gained quite a bit since last week!

2022-10-21a - CashewsI said I was going to start eating healthy today, but it was not to be.  I think because my feet and legs were aching after all that walking yesterday I wanted some comfort today.  So, I had some “Raw Cashews” (see photo to the right) as I drove my boy to school this morning.  Not the whole bag, but certainly not a few!

2022-10-21b - Frosted FlakesWhen I got home I saw this box of “Frosted Flakes” sitting on the counter.  The boy wanted me to pick them up the other day, so I thought I would lean to the “sweet” side and have some (see photo to the left).

2022-10-21c - BreakfastSo, all this eating and I still haven’t had “breakfast”… 🙂  For “Breakfast” I had some lasagna and beefaroni with some bread.  Throw in some guac and turkey bacon as well (see photo to the right).

2022-10-21d - DessertOh my, my need for dessert.  Take a look at the plate to the left.  Pink cotton candy was the highlight, but there was some ice cream, a donut, and some Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups as well!

2022-10-21e - Chili & LettuceWith all that mess of food for breakfast I really wasn’t hungry till quite on in the day.  I thought that I would have some “Chili Wraps”.  The photo to the right shows the chili.  I just heated it up, put it in some lettuce leaves, and added some hot sauce.

2022-10-21f - Cotton CandyTo accompany the chili wraps I had some of the cotton candy we picked up for the kids yesterday (see photo to the left).  When I was a kid pink was the only color.  Now there is blue and sometimes even green.

2022-10-21g - Ice CreamFollowing up the cotton candy was an “Ice Cream Sandwich” (see photo to the right).  I just love how this photo turned out.  The shades of grey makes it I believe.

2022-10-21h - Cookie & SodaI also enjoyed a “Cookie & Soda” (see photo to the left).  I wonder what sort of taste “Cheerwine” is?  Is it like Cherry Coke?  Not sure, but I should look that up!

2022-10-21i - NoodlesTo finish up the day I had some “Noodles” (see photo to the right).  My daughter loves them without the sauce, but that’s just a bit too plain for me.  Easy to make.  Hot water, blend, wait, and then eat.  Enjoy!

So, that’s it for today.  I thought I would eat healthier today, but it was not to be.  Sometimes when you get off track it’s hard to get back onto it again.

Tomorrow is another day!  See you then!

Author: MainAdmin

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