2022-10-20f - Candy Apple

Day #0077 (Thu., Oct. 20, 2022) – Total Down: 8.1 lbs.!

2022-10-20 - Weigh InI weighed in this morning at 341.7 lbs. (see photo to the left). 2022-10-20a - Ravioli & BreadThis means that I have gained 1.6 lbs. since yesterday, but am still down 8.1 lbs. overall.

I thought that I would have some “Ravioli & Bread” this morning (see photo to the right), so I did… 🙂  Very tasty!  I love the tomato sauce.  Not too good on the low-cal scale though…

2022-10-20b - Cheese & GuacAlong with the bread I mentioned previously I had some “Cheese & Guac” (see photo to the left).  I haven’t had a chunk of cheese in a while, so that was nice.  The guacamole went well on the bread as well!

2022-10-20c - PB&JOh, continuing on with this massive breakfast, I had some “PB&J” (see photo to the right).  I love the combo of peanut butter and jam.  What a wonderful spread.

2022-10-20d - Donut & CookieDessert time!  Enter the “Donut & Cookie” (see photo to the left).  I picked up the donut at Walmart and the cookie from Aldi.

2022-10-20e - GyroOk, so enter the State Fair!  Today my wife and I took the kids, and while the kids enjoyed burgers my wife and I had the “Gyro” (see photo to the right).  Delish and MASSIVE!  Certainly NOT low-cal.

2022-10-20f - Candy AppleOne cannot go to the State Fair without having some tasty treat, right?  Tonight I had a delish “Candy Apple” (see photo to the left).

I don’t think I could eat much worse than I did this evening.  Lots of high calorie foods.  On the good side, I certainly did a lot of walking.  My feet were aching by the time I got home this evening.  I’m sure I’m going to be sore tomorrow!

I’m hoping to get back on track with healthy eating tomorrow. The State Fair is over, the “fun times” are over, time to get back to the normal way of eating. A way of eating that will help me live a healthy life and get my weight down.

See you at the scale tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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