2022-10-08e - Cobbler & Gelato

Day #0065 (Sat., Oct. 8, 2022) – Total Down: 13.9 lbs.!

2022-10-08 - Weigh InToday was another day of “sleeping in” and “eating late”. When I did weigh myself this afternoon the scale beamed back 335.9 lbs. (see photo to the left). So, I’m down 0.9 lbs. since yesterday, and down 13.9 lbs. overall.

2022-10-08a - SpaghettiI had some “Spaghetti & Meatballs” for my first meal of the day today (see photo to the right).  I also added a couple of slices of low-cal bread into the mix.  My wife made this for the kids, so I had a “little taste”… 🙂  Not too much mind you, just a taste…or small plate…

2022-10-08b - NutsI thought I would have a “Handful of Nuts” for my crunch with the spaghetti (see photo to the left).  Spaghetti and meatballs can be kind of “mushy”, so something like nuts or chips goes well with this meal I find.

2022-10-08c - BurritoFor my evening meal, I heated up the “Burrito Mix” I had stashed in the fridge and created a couple of tasty burritos (see photo to the right).  I added a bit of cheese, but no hummus to the burritos today.  Oh, and I did add a touch of hot sauce as well.

2022-10-08d - Cheese Curls“Cheese Curls” provided my “crunch” this evening (see photo to the left).  I must say that I don’t like these ones as well as the “Cheetos” brand, but they are okay, especially when you take the price into account.

2022-10-08e - Cobbler & Gelato“Cherry Cobbler & Gelato” were on the menu for dessert this evening (see photo to the right).  Have you ever had gelato before?  It’s like ice cream, but fluffier and creamier I believe.  It’s very popular in Italy.  You can pick up some at your local grocery store in the frozen foods section…  At least I can.

2022-10-08f - Oatmeal Cookies“Oatmeal Cookies” went down great with my evening cup of coffee (see photo to the left).  What did I say about eating from an open container or box!!!  I had four of these little tasty treats before I closed the package and put it out of hands way…

So, less food to talk about today since I got up late and didn’t have my first meal till afternoon.  Funny how this doesn’t seem to be reflecting on the scale?  I might have to think about having a “Soup & Salad” day if the scale doesn’t start to reflect a more pleasing result soon…  Let’s see how I fare tomorrow.



Author: MainAdmin

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