2022-10-03b - Chicken & Fries

Day #0060 (Mon., Oct. 3, 2022) – Total Down: 13.9 lbs.!

2022-10-03 - Weigh InI slept in today…  Not sure if I’m getting COVID or not?  Well, at any rate, when I did weigh in the scale said 336.4 lbs. (see photo to the left), which means I’ve lost 0.7 lbs. since 2022-10-03a - PB2 & Tortillasyesterday morning, and 13.9 lbs. overall.

I started off today’s eating with some of the leftover PB2 that I had in the fridge.  It was too solid, but once I added some milk and swirled it around, I spread it on a couple of low-cal tortillas and I was good to go (see photo to the right).

2022-10-03b - Chicken & FriesMy wife made some chicken & fries for the kids, so I had some of that was well (see photo to the left).  I should have probably only had two drumsticks, but I had three.  Just a few fries, so that is something to be proud of…

2022-10-03c - BBQ ChipsFor my dinner crunch this evening I opened up a bag of Lay’s Barbeque chips (see photo to the right).  These have just a mild barbecue flavor, which is what I like…  Why do things like this, which are so tasty, go down so quickly?

2022-10-03d - Strawberry ShortcakeIce cream time.  I had a “Strawberry Ice Cream Bar” this evening (see photo to the left).  I can’t believe that they are still in the fridge.  With my daughter around they usually don’t last long.  She’s recovering from COVID, so perhaps that’s the reason?

2022-10-03e - CobblerFor my next to last food entry for today I got into the cherry cobbler (see photo to the right).  Not just a small dish I might add, but a double portion.  Let’s see what the scale says tomorrow.  Because I got up late, and didn’t start eating till late, and ate rather good today, I don’t think a double portion of this will do too much damage.

2022-10-03f - Fruit SnacksOk, so time for the last entry of the day.  Just before I sit down at my desk to finish off this blog entry I had a package of those fruit snacks that I pick up for the kids (see photo to the left).  They are relatively low in calories, but they go WAY TO FAST…which is certainly a danger.

No exercise today.  Finishing up this blog post with a mug of coffee and sugar-free creamer.  Time to call it a day.  See you tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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