This morning the scale beamed back at me a very respectable 336.6 lbs. (see photo to the left). So I am up a bit at 0.2 lb. since yesterday, but I am also down 13.2 lbs. overall.
I started off my eating regimen today with some chicken & fries (see photo to the right). Not the healthiest meal out there, but I figure if I eat good for the rest of the day I should be fine. As long as the downward trajectory of my weight is down, that should be fine, right?
So the chicken and fries dish was not enough to fill me up, so I turned to some potatoes with a couple of slices of ham (see photo to the left). A few sprays of a buttery seasoning, and some crushed pepper, and I was good to go.
Just when I thought I was going to have a good day of eating, this little cake came along (see photo to the right). It’s a Little Debbie cake, and the kids pretty well finished off the box except for this one… So, let me down it!
For dinner this evening I started off with my old reliable “Egg White Sandwich” (see photo to the left. Inside were some egg whites of course, but a slice of cheese, and a slice of ham. Hummus was the spread. I had two of these… Delish!
Till hungry, I had a burrito (see phot to the right). Nothing fancy, just some hummus spread, greens, a couple of slices of ham, and a slice of processed cheese. Wrap it up and you’re good to go!
“Crunch Time”!!! Cheetos to the rescue (see photo to the left). I sure love these things, and they live up to their name. They are “Crunchy”! Only 160 calories per bag as well. What’s not to love?
For my last food item of the day I had some of the “Cherry Cobbler” I made in the oven. I should start to call this fruit cobbler as although I start off with sugar-free cherry pie filling, I add oatmeal and some other type of fruit. Today I added 1/2 bag of frozen fruit that I picked up at Aldi, and three cups of oatmeal. This made it less sweet, which was ideal for my wife who doesn’t like things too sweet. I had a bit of ice cream on the cobbler this evening (see photo to the right). Yum, yum, delish!
Time to call it a day. I’m downing a mug of coffee as I finish up this blog, and as usual, I am “not happy to report” that I didn’t get in any exercise today. If my weight doesn’t go down I will have to.
See you tomorrow!