2023-02-21 - Chicken Burgers

Day #0052 (Tue., Feb. 21, 2023) – Chicken Burger!

2023-02-21 - Chicken BurgersI weighed in this morning at 337.2 lbs., which means I’m up again since yesterday. This time I’m up 3.1 lbs., but on the good side, I’m still down 10.3 lbs. It’s hard to get back to dieting once you get off track…

This morning I had a couple of mini chicken burgers that were in the freezer (see photo to the right. The kids don’t really care for them too much, so leave it up to daddy to eat them up.

Here’s the full roundup of what I had to eat today:

  • Two mini chicken burgers (see photo to the right).
  • Two pancakes with maple syrup.
  • Nanaimo bars.
  • Three chicken drumsticks with mayo.
  • Froot loops cereal.
  • Potato chips.
  • Coffee with oat milk.

So, not a very good day of eating was it?  Tomorrow is another day!  Hopefully a healthier one.  Let’s see what the scale says tomorrow morning to start off the day.

Author: MainAdmin

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