2023-02-20 - Burrito

Day #0051 (Mon., Feb. 20, 2023) – TJ Burrito!

2023-02-20 - BurritoWell the scale told me this morning that I was a bad boy yesterday. It read the numbers 334.2 lbs. back at me. This means I’m up 1.8 lbs. since yesterday, but still down 13.4 lbs. overall. Those Nanaimo bars sure are not helping the diet!

So, today I guess you could call a free day, and today was not much better. I did go to Trader Joe’s to pick up some fixings for another bowl of vegetable stew, but I also got a burrito (see photo to the right), and some cookies and other things as well. I guess today is a continuation of my “free day” from yesterday.

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • TJ’s Burrito (see photo to the right).
  • Diet cola.
  • Nanaimo bars.
  • TJ’s shortbread cookies.
  • Diet cola.
  • TJ’s samosas.
  • TJ’s butter chicken dinner.
  • Nanaimo bars.
  • TJ’s sugar cookies.
  • Coffee with oat milk.

Looks like the oat milk I had in my coffee was the healthiest thing I had today… 🙂

Gotta get that vegetable stew going tomorrow.

See you then!

Author: MainAdmin

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