2023-02-19 - Nanaimo Bars

Day #0050 (Sun., Feb. 19, 2023) – Nanaimo Bars!

2023-02-19 - Nanaimo BarsThis morning the scale said that I weighed 332.4 lbs., which is up 2.2 lbs. since yesterday, although I’m still down 15.2 lbs. overall.

My wife made some Nanaimo Bars this afternoon, and I could not resist having some with some Moose Tracks ice cream (see photo to the right) this evening.  Not necessarily a “diet food”, but it sure tasted great.  Unfortunately, as I’ve mentioned before, once you start eating “sweets”, you get off track eating very quickly…  Alas!  But more about that later…

Here’s what I had today.

  • “Big Breakfast” consisting of potatoes, hamburger, toast, PB2, sugar free jam, and celery.
  • Diet cola.
  • “Big Breakfast” consisting of potatoes, hamburger, toast, PB2, sugar free jam, and celery.
  • Diet cola.
  • Two chicken burgers.
  • Nanaimo bars with Moose Tracks ice cream.
  • Coffee with oat milk.

Let’s see how much damage these sweets did today when I jump on the scale tomorrow.


Author: MainAdmin

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