My Photos (2022-09-10)b

Day #0037 (Sat., Sep. 10, 2022) – Total Down: 7.40 lbs.!

2022-09-10 - Weigh InThis morning I weighed in at 342.3 lbs. So I’m up a bit since yesterday, 0.40 lbs. to be more exact. Having said that, I’m still down 7.5 lbs. overall.

My Photos (2022-09-10)bIn the photo to the right you can see how I currently look. A ways to go to be sure…

2022-09-10 - BreakfastI had a great breakfast this morning (see photo to the left).  Egg whites underneath, with some deli ham and a slice of cheese on top.  So delish!  I also added a couple slices of the Keto diet bread topped with fruit spread.

2022-09-10 - Chicken Noodle SoupMid morning my stomach started to growl again, so I opted for some chicken noodle soup (see photo to the right).  I had the last slice of the Keto bread that I picked up at Aldi the other day.  I’ve got to buy more of it…delish!  The next time I need to get the chicken noodle soup with “low sodium”…I’m not use to all that salt…

2022-09-10 - LunchTime for a late lunch.  I had a wonderful lunch today, something that brought me back to my days of youth.  We always had a potato of some sort, and today I had some tiny baked tomatoes.  A hamburger in the air fryer provided the meat option, which was topped with ketchup and mustard.  For veggies I had a cabbage salad along with some Miracle Whip and ketchup dressing.  You can see the whole combo in the photo to the left.

2022-09-10 - DessertWe have to top off a great lunch with some dessert, right?  Today’s dessert was the last of the “FatBoy” ice cream bars.  The photo to the right shows the package that they came in.  As you can see, only 150 calories…  Told you!

2022-09-10 - Hot DogsDinner is next up…  My wife was making some hot dogs for the kids, so I had a couple of those with some ketchup.  This was a particularly tasty combo this evening!  We didn’t have any hot dog buns, but I don’t really need those extra calories anyway…

2022-09-10 - Potato SaladStill hungry, I had a salad (see photo to the right), one of my “go to meals” these days…  These tiny potatoes were still slightly warm as they were baked earlier in the day.  This made the Miracle Whip dressing spread even easier to coat all the potatoes.

2022-09-10 - Potato ChipsLooking for a bit of a crunch I had a bag of potato chips (see photo to the left).  These ones were “Sour Cream & Onion”, but I don’t think I ever met a potato chip that I didn’t want to eat…

2022-09-10 - Cherry CobblerI made some more of the “cherry cobbler” that I have been indulging in since last week (see photo to the right).  Topped with some whip cream from a can, it sure is tasty.  In fact, I don’t think I have ever made a dessert as easy to make as this desert that is as delicious as this one.

Finishing off this evening I had a mug of coffee (actually two) and some evaporated milk.

See you tomorrow!

Author: MainAdmin

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