2022-09-07 - Snack

Day #0034 (Wed., Sep. 7, 2022) – Total Down: 8.40 lbs.!

2022-09-07 - Weigh InThe scale tells me that I weigh 341.4 lbs. this morning. I’ll take it! This means I’m down 0.5 lbs. since yesterday for a total weight loss of 8.4 lbs.

2022-09-07 - Egg SandwichThe photo to the right shows my breakfast for this morning, a couple of egg white sandwiches with a slice of cheese.  Spread a little bit of Trader Joe’s hummus on the toasted slices and you are good to go.

2022-09-07 - SnackWe had these little trail mix snack treats lying around the house, so I tried one this morning (see photo to the left).  I love nuts, and this addition of seeds and M&M type candies was quite the delight.  My son said he only liked the M&M part.

2022-09-07 - Ice Cream SandwichOn to my mid-morning snack.  Well, remember those ice cream sandwiches that I had yesterday?  They were delish, and there was one left in the freezer, and my weight didn’t go up yesterday, so…  I ate the final one (see photo to the right).

For lunch today potato salad hit the spot (see photo to the left).  2022-09-07 - Potato SaladI finished off the lite mayo that I had in the fridge (I bought some Miracle Whip at Aldi this morning), and added a green pepper and some spices to the mix.

2022-09-07 - Ice Cream DrumstickTake a look at the delicious ice cream drumstick in the photo to the right.  I picked a dozen of these beauties up at Aldi this morning.  I was getting one out of the freezer for the kids, and well, it was dessert time, so, I tried one!  I can tell from the delicious caramel filling that it was quite high in calories…  Hopefully the scale won’t wallop me tomorrow for this!

2022-09-07 - DinnerI spent most of the day cleaning the house, so when it came time for dinner this evening I was ready to eat!  I settled upon a bit plate of mashed potatoes, beef chili, corn, with a couple of slices of chicken underneath (see photo to the left).  Top with your favorite spices and some hot sauce and you are good to go!

2022-09-07 - WaterOne thing that I don’t really do enough of is drink water.  I tried to remedy this fact this evening by having a nice big mug of ice water (see photo to the right).  I did go through this phase earlier this year, for about two months actually, in which I drank a gallon of water a day.  I thought it would help me to lose weight, but all it really did was make me go to the bathroom more.  Maybe it did help me out internally, but it sure didn’t seem to help out on the scale.

2022-09-07 - ChipsTime to finish off this meal…  I had a bag of chips (see photo to the left), and finished off the dish of cherry cobbler (see photo to the right).

2022-09-07 - Cherry CobblerI was really tired this evening after spending the whole day cleaning, so I went to bed without my typical mug of coffee.  Tomorrow is another day!

I didn’t make it to the rowing machine this evening, but since I spent the whole day cleaning, who knows how many calories I burned today?  Did all this physical activity counteract those two ice creams?  We’ll soon find out as tomorrow is another day and the scale is awaiting the opportunity to tell me the “real deal”…

Author: MainAdmin

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