2022-09-05 - Sweet Potato Wraps

Day #0032 (Mon., Sep. 5, 2022) – Total Down: 6.60 lbs.!

2022-09-05 - Weigh InI’m down yet again today as the scale says I weight 343.2 lbs. This means I’m down 0.4 lbs. since yesterday, and 6.2 lbs overall.

2022-09-05 - Sweet Potato WrapsI got up late this morning, and for some reason I was not very hungry, so I waited a bit before having breakfast. When I did have breakfast it was a couple of sweet potato wraps (see photo to the right).  I cooked a bunch of sweet potatoes in the oven last night along with some other potatoes.  I don’t love sweet potatoes, but they do add that nice sweet taste to some food items, such as wraps.

2022-09-05 - Arctic BarFor dessert I had the last ice cream bar in the fridge (see photo to the left).  Not the best pic, a bit blurry, but you get the idea…  I’ve said it before and I will say it again, these tiny little ice cream treats are probably the best ice cream find that I have found in a while.  They are smaller than the regular ice cream bars you get, but since the chocolate is so rich, you feel like you are really indulging…all for about the same calorie count.

2022-09-05 - Noon WrapBreakfast was such a tasty meal that I decided to have the same thing (see photo to the right) for my late lunch meal.  I made sure to add some regular potatoes, pickles, and some of the cabbage that I had in my fridge.

2022-09-05 - Cherry CobblerWhat a tasty dessert to follow up my late lunch meal!  I had some of the new batch of “cherry cobbler” I made (see photo to the left).  I actually can’t stop looking at this photo as I think I got the lighting just right.  You can even see the creaminess of the dollop of whipped cream I had on the top… 🙂  Agreed? Delish!

2022-09-05 - Donut

Time for a bit of justification now after this tasty and rather “tame” calorie dessert.  I got into the donuts (see photo to the right).  I got them for the kids and they where there and “this” and “that”.  Enough said…  I had one.  I guess the good thing is that I had ONLY ONE!

2022-09-05 - Dried MangoI needed to go get some groceries late today so I grabbed a bag of organic mango slices from Whole Foods as I was out the door (see photo to the left).  They were not as delicious as I would have thought…  Maybe this is because they have been sitting in the cupboard for a while…

2022-09-05 - Potato ChipsGrocery shopping is done!  Now to sit down and enjoy my evening meal.  To unwind a big I had a small bowl of potato chips and a frosty mug of diet root beer (see photo to the right).

2022-09-05 - SoupFor my evening meal I had a nice bowl of the lentil vegetable soup (see photo to the left) that I picked up at Trader Joe’s this evening.  Heartier than regular vegetable soup, but not quite as hearty as chili, it was a nice meal out of my regular rotation.  I had a couple of low calorie XTreme wraps and some hummus to round out the meal.  Pretty healthy, but the hummus was not oil free, and I might have overdone it.  I might need to go back to creating my own oil free hummus.  You don’t need to worry about overdoing it as the only ingredients are chick peas and spices.

No exercise today, unless you want to cound me pushing a shopping cart around a grocery store.

This evening I was tired so I went to bed without my customary mug of coffee.  It doesn’t really contain many calories, even with the addition of some cream, so I don’t suspect that this will win me many points on the scale when morning comes around.


Author: MainAdmin

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