2023-01-30 - Salad

Day #0030 (Mon., Jan. 30, 2023) – My Standard Salad!

2023-01-30 - SaladThis morning the scale’s reading was 334.2 lbs., meaning I’m down 0.4 lbs. since yesterday, and 13.4 lbs. overall.

Salads have been a mainstay of my daily eating plan, so I thought that I would show you one of my “basic models”, if that’s the correct term, in the photo to the right.  A bed of lettuce and cabbage.  On top of that some peppers, olives, and pickles.  Plenty of feta and blue cheese.  Peanut butter and may on the side.  Oil & vinegar is the dressing.

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Five chicken drumsticks and some salad (see photo to the right).
  • Belle Via carbonated soft drink.
  • Bacon with some more salad.
  • Belle Via carbonated soft drink.
  • Coffee with cream.

I seem to be keep losing just a bit each and every day, which is ideal.  At some point I’m going to have to deal with some sagging skin around the belly, I’m sure, but that is a way off.

Ok, let’s call it a wrap and we’ll see you at the scale tomorrow morning!

Author: MainAdmin

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