2023-01-28 - Steak & Peas

Day #0028 (Sat., Jan. 28, 2023) – Steak & Peas!

2023-01-28 - Steak & Peas335.0 lbs.! That’s what the scale told me this morning. So, I’m down 0.9 lbs. since yesterday and 12.6 lbs. overall.

The photo to the right shows the great evening meal that I had today.  Steak & peas!  I picked up the chopped steak at Harris-Teeter this afternoon and fried it up in the “air fryer”.  I also put some frozen peas into the “air fryer” and the combination proved to be a great tasting evening meal.  Oh and the sugar that you see on the plate is “sugar free”!  It’s more expensive mind you, but since I’m staying away from sugar, it was delightful!

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Chopped steak and salad with mayo and blue cheese.
  • Shrimp with mayo.
  • Steak & peas (see photo to the right).
  • Three chicken drumsticks.
  • Coffee with cream.

I didn’t get a chance to read my book, “The Life Plan” today, but will get back to it soon.  I must say that I will sure miss my “high fat” foods such as bacon, but if it will help me lose my gut and get into shape it’s the way to go.

See you at the scale tomorrow morning!

Author: MainAdmin

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