2022-08-25 - Ice Cream

Day #0021 (Thu., Aug. 25, 2022) – Total Down: 6.60 lbs.!

2022-08-25 - Weigh InI weighed in this morning at 343.2 lbs. (see photo to the left). This means that I gained 0.20 lbs. since yesterday, but I am still down 6.60 lbs. overall.  I’m not going to worry too much about 0.20 lbs. as your weight can fluctuate up and down quite a bit from day to day.

2022-08-25 - Egg SandwichFor breakfast I had a couple of egg sandwiches (see photo to the right).  When you use only egg whites, the calorie count doesn’t add up too much.  In fact it is the slide of cheese that adds the most calories to the meal!

2022-08-25 - Peanut Butter SandwichFor my mid-morning snack I had a peanut butter sandwich (see photo to the left).  It would have been better to have used PB2 instead of regular peanut butter, but it is what it is…

2022-08-25 - HashbrownsFor my lunch meal I had some hash browns & corn with ketchup (see photo to the right).  Tasty and filling.  Who could ask for more?

2022-08-25 - WrapFor my evening meal this evening I had a wrap (see photo to the left).  I went to get some groceries at Aldi this afternoon so the fresh lettuce sure hit the spot.  I used some of the homemade hummus that I made the other day.  I would have liked to have picked up some hummus at Aldi, but they all have oil…  Maybe I will at some point, but not today.

2022-08-25 - ChipsI wanted to have something crunchy with my wrap so I settled on a bag of chips (see photo to the right).

2022-08-25 - Ice CreamI thought I would really treat myself with a nice dessert this evening, so I had a “Rose” ice cream cone (see photo to the left).

Just before bedtime this evening I had a nice large mug of coffee with some oat milk.

As has been the norm as of late, I didn’t get any exercise in today.  Unless you count walking around getting groceries exercise?

What do I think of the program so far?  Pretty good!  It all depends on whether you adhere to the plan or not.  If you don’t adhere to the plan, it can bite you!  Bite you bad!

Author: MainAdmin

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