2022-08-14 - Potato Salad

Day #0010 (Sun., Aug. 14, 2022) – Total Down: 0.90 lbs.!

2022-08-14 - Weigh InI weighed in this morning at 348.9 lbs. (see photo to the left), which was expected since yesterday was such a bad day of eating. I woke up this morning determined to do much better today!

2022-08-14 - ChiliFor starters, I made a nice big pot of vegetarian chili in my instant pot. I started the process last night by soaking a cup of pinto & black beans in water. This morning, after the washing these beans, I put them in the instant pot along with a can of crushed tomatoes, some carrots and a diced green pepper, a cup of water, and some chili spice. The result was quite good, and I had about a cup of it on top of some baked potatoes I chopped up (see photo to the right).

2022-08-14 - Potato SaladFor lunch today I had some of the baked potatoes I had earlier today, cut up in a bowl with some lite mayo (see photo to the left). Vegetable spice on top. Delish! Oh, and I washed this down with the flavored carbonated drink I picked up at Aldi the other day.

2022-08-14 - RaspberriesFor my “lunch dessert” I had a nice bowl of raspberries (see photo to the right).  Washed to get rid of all the various bug sprays and “bugs” mind you… 🙂

For my evening meal this evening I had some more of the chili on top of a bowl of potatoes. Heat in the microwave for 3 minutes and “voila”.

All in all I ate much better today than I did yesterday. I did have a cup of coffee and some oat milk and a little piece of chocolate cake this evening. Surely the scale will not penalize me for this small infraction after such a great day of eating… 🙂

Author: MainAdmin

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