2022-12-21 - Carbonated Water

Day #0004 (Wed., Dec. 21, 2022) – Weight: 343.6 lbs., Total Loss: 8.2 lbs., Score: 5/7!

2022-12-21 - Weigh InI weighed in at 343.6 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This means that I’m down 0.5 lbs. since yesterday, and 8.2 lbs. since I started this diet.

Here’s how I did today! The following rules are based in order of importance…

[Yes/No] Rule #1: Spend your day focusing on something other than food.  You will save a lot of time not having to prep during this plan, so what will you spend your time on?

I spent a lot of time today finishing off my stocks for the “Santa Claus Rally”.  Low and behold, the stocks went up today, when they were supposed to go up tomorrow.  Go figure…

[Yes/No] Rule #2: I can only eat for 8 hours a day maximum.  This means that I will be fasting for a minimum of 16 hours each day.

I started eating at about 12:30 pm today, and finished eating with a carbonated soda at 7: 30 pm.  So, about 7 hours of total eating…

[Yes/No] Rule #3: I [did] [did not] adhere to the following allowed eating guidelines today.

During my eating hours I will be staying away from sugar and bread.

2022-12-21 - BreakfastI had a great little breakfast just after noon today, my first meal of the day (see photo to the right).  I had a whole package of turkey bacon, with some egg whites, rice cakes, and PB2 peanut butter powder.  It was extremely tasty…

2022-12-21 - Carbonated WaterI went to Aldi for groceries this evening and picked up the carbonated beverage that you see in the photo to the left.  For some reason, I’m not that hungry this evening…  Is it because I had a whole package of turkey bacon for my noon meal?  Not sure, but I’ll take it.

[Yes/No] Rule #4: Each day I will have my daily vitamins.

Yep, I took my daily vitamins today.

[Yes/No] Rule #5: I will drink at least 3 cups of water each day.

Yes, I drank 3 cups of water today.

[Yes/No] Rule #6: I will exercise for 30 minutes each day, whether a cardio or weights or abs workout.

I didn’t get much exercise in today, unless you count going shopping at Aldi.

[Yes/No] Rule #7: I will spend at least some time doing TM or meditation today.

I didn’t get any TM in today.

Author: MainAdmin

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