2022-11-28a - Potato Sticks

Day #0002 (Mon., Nov. 28, 2022) – 343.0 lbs., Down: 0.4 lbs., 5/5!

2022-11-28 - Weigh InI weighed in at 343.0 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This means that my weight is down 0.4 lbs. since yesterday, and 0.4 lbs. overall.

Here’s how I did in following the plan today!

2022-11-28a - Potato SticksRule #1: I can only eat for 8 hours a day maximum.  This means that I will be fasting for a minimum of 16 hours each day.
I started eating at 12:10 pm this afternoon and finished eating just before 7:00 pm, so under 8 hours for sure!

2022-11-28b - Diet CokeI started out my eating for the day with a tasty bowl of potato sticks while I waited for my food to prepare in the air fryer (see photo to the right).

To wash these potato sticks down I had a Diet Coke (see photo to the left).

2022-11-28c - LunchMy lunch time meal was a delish plate of chicken strips & fries (see photo to the right).  Of course I had lots of ketchup to dip them in!

2022-11-28d - DessertI had to pick my son up after school today, so as I was heading out the door I grabbed some dessert (see photo to the left).  An ice cream bar and a Knopper’s bar as well.  My kids love these Knopper’s bars and I can see why.  They have a wafer filling inside.

2022-11-28e - Mushroom SoupFor dinner this evening I started off with some cream of mushroom soup.  I had some crumbled up bread added into the mix as well (see photo to the right).

2022-11-28g - PizzaNext up?  Pizza and Bugles (see photo to the left).  Have you tried Bugles before?  They are not as popular as potato chips, but they add that delicious crunch to any meal.  The name comes from their shape, kind of like a little “bugle”.

2022-11-28h - ReesesIf you know me, you know that it’s rare that I miss up on the opportunity to have some dessert.  Tonight I made sure to have some!  An ice cream bar, a couple of Reese’s peanut butter cups, and a slice of lemon cake (see photo to the right).

Rule #2: During the 16 hours I am fasting I am allowed zero calorie beverages like tea and coffee with some creamer.  I am also allowed zero calorie sodas and water of course.
As was the case yesterday, I had a cup of coffee with creamer this morning and another one before I went to bed this evening.

2022-11-28f - WaterRule #3: Each day I will have my daily vitamins.
Did I take my daily vitamins today?  Check!

Rule #4: I will drink at least 3 cups of water each day.
I made sure to drink 3 cups of water throughout the day today.  Take a look at the massive mug of water in the photo to the left!

Rule #5: I will exercise for 30 minutes each day, alternating between: cardio, weights, and abs workouts.
This evening I started off my weigh training regimen with a 30 minute dumbbell workout while I watched the evening news.  Nothing too regimented at this stage, just some bicep curls and push ups and such.  I’ll get much more elaborate in these exercises as the diet moves on.

Author: MainAdmin

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