2022-10-26g - Cobbler

Day #0083 (Wed., Oct. 26, 2022) – Total Down: 11.0 lbs.!

2022-10-26 - Weigh InThis morning the scale beamed 338.8 lbs. back at me (see photo to the left). This means I’ve lost another 1.5 lbs. since yesterday, and have lost 11.0 lbs. since starting the diet 83 days ago!

2022-10-26a - SandwichTo start off my eating routine today I had an “Egg White Sandwich” with a slice of ham (see photo to the right).

2022-10-26b - SaladNext up, a great “Salad” (see photo to the left).  Potatoes on the bottom, some peppers, beets, and pickles, with chia seeds and some grated cheese.

2022-10-26c - Pizza1I made the kids some pizza this afternoon, so I had a slice of “Neapolitan Pizza” next (see photo to the right).

2022-10-26d - Pizza2After that, I had a slice of regular “Cheese Pizza” (see photo to the left).  My daughter loves this pizza as it has a real fluffy crust.  She hates the version that has cheese inside the crust!

2022-10-26e - SandwichA delicious “Roast Beef Sandwich” was up next (see photo to the right).  I do love bread, so I’m glad that I found these low-cal options for only about 45 calories per slice.

2022-10-26i - SoupYou didn’t think that I was going to forget the “Vegetable Soup” did you (see photo to the left).  I’ve got a big pot of it, so it has to be eaten up… 🙂

2022-10-26f - Ice CreamFor dessert this evening I had an “Ice Cream Bar” (see photo to the right).  You can see the frost on this one!  I wished I could stay away from these tasty little treats, but I don’t seem to be able to… 😉

2022-10-26g - CobblerI made a huge pot of the “Cherry Cobbler” this evening (see photo to the left).  Easy to make!  Just oats, low-cal cherry pie filling, and a bag of frozen berries.

2022-10-26h - SandwichYou’d think I would be done eating after an ice cream bar and a cherry cobbler, right?  Well, it was not to be…  I had a “Roast Beef Sandwich” (see photo to the right).

I started off today thinking that I would be eating mostly vegetable soup, but as you can tell from this “mess of food”, it was not to be.  I’m sure that the scale will have problems with this tomorrow, morning, but oh well, it is what it is…

See you tomorrow!


Author: MainAdmin

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