2022-11-04 - Weigh In

Day #0092 (Fri., Nov. 4, 2022) – Total Down: 10.6 lbs.!

2022-11-04 - Weigh InI’m happy to report that the scale said 339.2 lbs. this morning (see photo to the left). This means that I was not penalized for that candy apple yesterday, and I’m down 0.7 lbs. since yesterday and 10.6 lbs. overall.

2022-11-04a - SandwichThis morning I had a turkey sandwich (see photo to the right)!  No “egg white” in this one.  Cheese, tomato, a slice of cheese, and some hummus between two slices of low-cal bread.

2022-11-04b - Bag BonesThe photo to the left shows the “Cheetos Bag of Bones” I had for that “bit of crunch”!  Halloween candy rules at this time of year because you can pick it up cheap at the grocery store.

2022-11-04c - Sandwich 2You didn’t I would settle with just one sandwich for breakfast did you?  The photo to the right shows the “Egg White Sandwich” I had next.  Extra egg whites in this one!

2022-11-04d - Ice Cream ConeFor my breakfast dessert I had a little “Ice Cream Cone” (see photo to the left).  These little beauties are from Trader Joe’s.

2022-11-04e - SaladFor lunch I had a delish salad (see photo to the right).  Warm little potatoes with some lite mayo, peppers and pickles!  Lots of freshly ground pepper from the new grinder that I picked up at Aldi the other day.

2022-11-04f - Chicken Pot PieMy wife put a “Chicken Pot Pie” (see photo to the left) for the kids this afternoon, so I had some of it as well.  Not too much though.  It can be quite caloric dense, but it sure was tasty… 🙂

2022-11-04g - WrapNext up?  A potato wrap (see photo to the right).  This one had a combo of regular and sweet potatoes.  I love this combo.  Add some peppers, lettuce, and hot sauce.  Wrap it up and you are good to go!

2022-11-04h - PotatoesThat combo of regular and sweet potatoes hit the spot so I decided to have a bowl by themself for dinner this evening (see photo to the left).

2022-11-04i - WrapI can’t seem to get enough of the sweet and regular potato combo this evening!  I decided to wrap it up as well (see photo to the right).

2022-11-04j - Tootsie RollI had a rather “small” dessert this evening, a simple “Tootsie Roll” (see photo to the left).  I haven’t had one of these in quite a while.  They were a favorite of mine when I was a kid.

For exercise today I went to the basement and organized boxes.  Some stuff to throw out, some stuff to give away, and some stuff to go through for a future time.  All that lifting and lugging of boxes sure counts for some exercise, right?  My back was sore this evening so I would definitely say so!

See you at the scale bright and early tomorrow morning!

Author: MainAdmin

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