2022-10-23c - Big Mac

Day #0080 (Sun., Oct. 23, 2022) – Total Down: 6.6 lbs.!

2022-10-23 - Weigh InMy weight is up yet again this morning! I weighed in at 343.2 lbs. (see photo to the left). Up 0.9 lbs. since yesterday, but I’m still down 6.6 lbs. overall.

2022-10-23a - Big BreakfastI decided that I would take the kids out for special treats today, so I’m afraid it will be another bad day of eating.  Oh well, let’s get on with it…

For breakfast I had the “Big Breakfast” at McDonalds (see photo to the right).  Actually, my boy had the three pancakes and I had the rest, so we shared the calories!

2022-10-23b - DumplingsFor lunch I decided to throw a number of things into the air fryer.  I had some dumplings, some chicken nuggets, and some meatballs (see photo to the left).  Certainly not a vegetarian meal!  I also had some ketchup and lite mayo in terms of dipping sauces.

2022-10-23c - Big MacThis evening I took my daughter out for a meal.  Like this morning with my son we ended up at McDonalds.  She had the two cheeseburger meal deal and I of course had to have a “Big Mac” (see photo to the right).  If there is any redeemable feature of today, I didn’t have the meal deal.  I had a black coffee, but I did have a few fries from my daughter’s meal deal.

2022-10-23d - BananasThis evening I started to eat healthy again.  Will it translate into tomorrow?  I’m planning on it.  So, I had two bananas this evening (see photo to the left).  They are getting ripe and need to get “eaten up”.

It’s interesting how once you start to make allowances for eating badly, you keep going in that direction.  This is what happened the past few days.  I actually feel terrible this evening!  Physically I mean…  I’m tired and exhausted.  I think my body trying to deal with all that fat and sugar the past few days is just a bit too much for it.

Tomorrow is another day!  Let’s hope it’s a “low cal” day!


Author: MainAdmin

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