2023-02-09 - Veg Stew

Day #0040 (Thu., Feb. 9, 2023) – Veggie Stew!

2023-02-09 - Veg StewThis morning the scale said that I weighed 336.6 lbs., which is down 1.5 lbs. since yesterday, and meaning that I’m down 11.0 lbs. overall.

The photo to the right shows the “Veggie Stew” that I made in the instant pot this morning.  I had to stop off at Harris-Teeter to pick up carrots and vegetable stock, but other than that I pretty much had all the ingredients at home.  I didn’t put any spices in it, and it was still delish.  If you don’t put the spices or “whatever” in till after the stew is made you can flavor it however you want.

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Veggie Stew (one bowl).
  • Veggie Stew (another bowl).
  • Diet cola.
  • Coffee with oat milk.

It’s amazing how hearty this stew is…  You’re not hungry after having a bowl, and the good thing is, you don’t have the craving for sweets.

See you tomorrow morning at the scale!


Author: MainAdmin

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