2023-02-02 - Chicken Breasts

Day #0033 (Thu., Feb. 2, 2023) – Chicken Breasts!

2023-02-02 - Chicken BreastsI thought I would have breakfast this morning for a change. As a result, when I weighed in the scale said 335.50 lbs., which means I’m up 1.8 lbs. since yesterday, but down 12.1 lbs. overall.

The photo to the right shows the chicken breasts that I had for my lunch today. Lots of Italian and Indian spices on top.

I read a bit more of “The Life Plan” today.  He has three separate diets available.  One is the “Generic” type diet that he follows.  The next level is the “Fat Burning” version.  The third version, and the most extreme is the “Heart Friendly” diet.  The “Heart Friendly” diet is vegetarian, and certainly the hardest to follow, but apparently the healthiest version overall.

In “The Life Plan” they recommend getting a vacuum sealer so that you can package meals, take them with you, and throw them into the microwave when you are hungry.  Since I basically work from home, I don’t really think I need one.  I can always just take an apple and some cheese with me for a quick meal on the road…  We’ll see…

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Chicken breasts with a nice big salad.
  • Steak and air fried peas.
  • Coffee with cream.

See you at the scale tomorrow…

Author: MainAdmin

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