2023-01-06 - Air Fryer Fries

Day #0006 (Fri., Jan. 6, 2023) – “Air Fryer” Fries

I weighed myself this morning, and my weight was up.  I decided to skip breakfast and then lunch, and when I weighed myself early this afternoon the scale said I weighed: 341.0 lbs. So, my weight is effectively up today.  Only 0.20 lbs. mind you, but still up.  On a positive note I have lost 6.60 lbs. overall.

2023-01-06 - Air Fryer FriesI’m running out of potatoes so I dropped off at the grocery story on the way home from dropping my son off at school.  I’m not going to put these into the instant pot this time, but keep them for the “air fryer”.

One of the great things about this diet is that you can have as many french fries as you want!  Ok, non-oil “air fryer” fries mind you, but french fries none-the-less.  You can see some of these beauties in the photo to the right.  Add lots of sugar-free ketchup for that extra “punch” of flavor.

Ok, so let’s see what I had to eat today.

  • “Air fryer” french fries, with plenty of ketchup (see photo to the right).
  • A bowl of seedless green grapes.
  • This evening I had some “egg whites” with my mashed potatoes.  I added 1/2 can of french-style green beans for that bit of veggie.  I made some homemade hummus salad dressing that was a great sort of “gravy” for the top.
  • Another bowl of seedless green grapes for dessert.
  • Mug of coffee with oat milk.

I’m disappointed that I’m not down again today, but it’s only 0.20 lbs., so nothing to “freak out” about.  Tomorrow is another day!


Author: MainAdmin

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