2022-08-05 - Weight

Day #0001 (Fri., Aug. 5, 2022) – Let The Journey Begin!

2022-08-05 - WeightToday is the first day of my “Fatty Liver Diet”!

First things first, time to record my “start weight”, which was just under 350 lbs. at 349.8 lbs. (see photo to the left.

2022-08-05 - Air Fryer PotatoesFor my first meal of the day I decided to bake some potato slices in the “air fryer” (see photo to the right).  I added only ketchup, and washed it down with some black coffee.

Black coffee is “okay”, but I really need to have some kind of “creamer” that is like cream to add to it.  I’ve tried various nut milks in the past and they kind of give it that “muddy” look, so I plan to go shopping this afternoon and get some oat milk.

It’s 5 pm and I just got back from Aldi with my Oat Milk.  I was STARVING, so I had some of the potatoes (and sweet potatoes) that I had this morning.  For condiments I added some black pepper and some Aldi salsa.  I then washed it all down with a flavored sparkling water (that I also got at Aldi).  Did I tell you that we just got an Aldi in our neighborhood… 🙂  I love it!

2022-08-05 - Air Fryer ChipsLater this evening I sliced some potatoes real thin and put them into the air fryer.  They came “okay”, but certainly not like real potato chips (see photo to the left).  Salt would have helped, but since the chips are all together, only the areas that are exposed to the “air” get cooked like chips.  I was hungry so I ate them anyway… 🙂

Still hungry, I microwaved some of the tiny potatoes and sweet potatoes that I cooked earlier today.  I put some ground pepper on them.  Delish!

I do enjoy my coffee with the oat milk!  Looking online a lot of people don’t like it, but it had a “creamy” type consistency to it.  Not cream, but certainly better than regular almond milk (in my opinion).  I had a nice mug of the stuff this evening before going to bed.



Author: MainAdmin

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