2022-08-05 - Before Photos

Day #0000 (Thu., Aug. 4, 2022) – Preparation Day!

Today is “Prep Day”, the day before my “Fatty Liver Diet” begins early tomorrow morning. Time to get a few things in order.

For starters, let me start off by saying that my lab results came back, and my doctor informed me that I have a “fatty liver” (See results in “Appendix A”). This is not a normal state, and something that needs to be taken care of.

So, I went to the internet and started reading up on the subject…

I came across this article from Harvard. Harvard, right? They must know what they are talking about. In a nutshell it discusses exactly what a “Fatty Liver” is, and what you can do about it.

This first thing you need to know is if you have:
• Non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL), otherwise known as simple fatty liver, or
• Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)

The reason being that “NASH” is more serious. You can see my lab results in “Appendix A”. I have “NASH”.

The article goes on to say that there is good news in that “the most effective treatment so far for fatty liver disease does not involve medications, but rather lifestyle changes”. These lifestyle changes are:
1. Lose Weight
2. Exercise
3. Eat Well
4. Coffee, maybe?

This will be the focus of my “Fatty Liver Diet” moving forward.

I will be documenting, day by day, everything that I am doing to rectify this situation. This will include my weight changes, the exercising I am partaking of what I consume, meditations, articles I’m reading, videos I watch, and even how much coffee I drink.

The hope is that this will not only motivate me to fix this problem in me personally, but hopefully to have some sort of a record so that this information might be helpful to others as well.

So, as mentioned previously, here it is “Prep Day”. I decided to take some pictures and measurements as a snapshot of the “Before” (see photo to the right).

2022-08-05 - Before Photos

Here are my “Before” measurements:

  • Stomach: 62 inches
  • Chest: 51 1/2 inches
  • Bicep: 17 3/8 inches
  • Forearm: 15 inches
  • Neck: 17 7/8 inches
  • Calves: 24 inches
  • Thighs: 33 1/2 inches

So, that’s it for “Prep Day”. I’m going to get a good night’s sleep (hopefully) and we’ll see you tomorrow to start Day #1!

Author: MainAdmin

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