Well, the scale told me that I’m xxx lbs. this morning. This means that I am the same weight I was yesterday, so no weight loss… I’m not exactly sure what this means? Does this mean that my weight losing has slowed down? Is this because I had a lot of bananas yesterday? Time will tell, but I’m not going to worry about it now.
I had a busy morning so I didn’t have breakfast. When I did get back home this afternoon I had a big meal of potatoes, corn, pickles, and salsa (see photo to the right).
I washed it down with a nice can of the flavored “sparkling water” I picked up at Aldi the other day. You can see a picture of it to the left. Natural flavors, this one was “passion fruit”, and no calories! To be honest with you, it’s not that flavorful. I would prefer a “diet soda”, but this the natural alternative so I’ll go with this for now..
After such a great dinner I needed something special for dessert, right? Well how about a nice big slide of watermelon (see photo to the right). Actually many slices of watermelon. Since watermelon is mostly water this is not too bad, right? I guess that the scale will either reward or punish me for this tomorrow morning. Oh, and I did have a banana as well… 🙂
All this “mess of food” kept me quite full. I was not hungry until well after 6 pm this evening.
For my dinner meal I had some “fried” potatoes (i.e.: in the air fryer) with a whole lot of ketchup. For my evening dessert I had a couple of bananas in a bowl with some almond milk.
Just before bed I had a couple of bananas and a nice big mug of coffee with oat milk.