2023-03-05 - Sweet Potato Toast

Day #0064 (Sun., Mar. 5, 2023) – Sweet Potato Toast!

2023-03-05 - Sweet Potato Toast342.5 lbs. is what the scale said to me this morning. So, I’m up 2.2 lbs. since yesterday, but am down 5.1 lbs. overall.

The plan was to eat healthy today, and I did for the most part, but I was so tired that I didn’t have the energy to make my vegetable stew.  I think allergy season has gotten to me this year…

I did make a relatively healthy dessert today.  Sweet Potato Toast (see photo to the right).  Simply an Aldi slice of bread, toasted, with some sweet potato on top.  I added some whip cream to the top today for that extra something special.  I think once I get on my full “sugar free” phase I will dispense with the whip cream.  I might add some maple syrup…  We’ll see…

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Sweet Potato Toast (see photo to the right).
  • Diet Dr. Pepper.
  • Egg White Sandwich With Cheese And Turkey.
  • Diet Cola.
  • Two hot dogs.
  • Diet Dr. Pepper.

I didn’t have the energy to exercise today, but I’m hopeful that I will be able to get these allergies under control and can start exercising later on in the week.

Tomorrow is another day!


Author: MainAdmin

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