2023-03-03 - Steak Burgers

Day #0062 (Fri., Mar. 3, 2023) – Steak Burgers!

2023-03-03 - Steak BurgersThis afternoon the scale beamed back at me the number: 338.40 lbs.  It helped that I didn’t eat my first meal till this afternoon. This means that I’m down 1.7 lbs. since yesterday, and down 9.2 lbs. overall.

I picked up some chopped steak at Harris-Teeter this afternoon, along with some hamburger buns.  It made for a couple of delicious “Steak Burgers”, as you can see in the photo to the right.  Just add some lettuce, ketchup, and a few slices of cheese and you are good to go!

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Steak Burgers.
  • Diet Dr. Pepper.
  • Dill Pickle Potato Chips.
  • Cinnamon Buns (2 of them).
  • Kondike Bars (2 of them).
  • Coffee with Sugar-Free Creamer.

So, another day of not so good eating.  As is usually the case, once I get off my plan of eating healthy, my eating really falls apart.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day!

Up and atom as they say!


Author: MainAdmin

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