2023-01-17 - Sweet Potato Cubes

Day #0017 (Tue., Jan. 17, 2023) – Sweet Potato Cubes!

2023-01-17 - Sweet Potato CubesMy weight was up again this morning.  The scale beamed back at me the number 344.5 lbs., which means I’m up 0.4 lbs. since yesterday and still down 3.10 lbs. overall since the diet began.

I’ve been looking for something sweet and delicious and low-fat and think I might have found it.  Take a look at those little tasty treats in the photo to the right?  Hard to believe that they are just a simple sweet potato cut up into cubes and thrown into the air fryer.  Delish.  I wonder if soaking them a bit into maple syrup will make them even better?  Hmmm…  Something to consider.

Here’s what I had to eat today:

  • Sweet potato cubes (see photo to the right).
  • Potato cake with spinach.
  • Diet cola.
  • Black coffee.
  • Nacho with cheese.
  • Two cookies.
  • Two Arctic Bars.

The problem today was that I went grocery shopping on an empty stomach.  Bad mistake!


Author: MainAdmin

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