2022-10-19a - Big Breakfast

Day #0076 (Wed., Oct. 19, 2022) – Total Down: 9.7 lbs.!

2022-10-19 - Weigh InThis morning I weighed in at 340.1 lbs. (see photo to the left). So, I’m up 1.9 lbs. since yesterday, but down 9.7 lbs. overall.

2022-10-19a - Big BreakfastToday was one of the worst eating days I’ve had in a while.  I’m thinking about the State Fair tomorrow and how I will be eating unhealthy then, so why not start today?  Not good reasoning I realize, but at any rate I had a McDonald’s “Big Breakfast” to start off my day (see photo to the right).

2022-10-19b - DonutWith such an unhealthy breakfast it’s only reasonable that I have an unhealthy dessert, so enter the “Donut” (see photo to the left).  I’m showing the box, but I only had one of them, okay?

2022-10-19c - ChipsFor that bit of crisp I found this bag of “Chips” lying around the house (see photo to the right).  I ate right from the bag, which is horrible for portion control.

2022-10-19d - SnackDessert time!  I had a “Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup” and a couple of cookies (see photo to the left).  The top one is a Snickerdoodle and the bottom one is an M&M’s cookie.  The boy wanted both types of cookies when we went to the store the other day.  Washed it all down with a coup of coffee & creamer.

2022-10-19e - Big MacFor my late afternoon (almost dinner time) lunch I had a “Big Mac” meal (see photo to the right).  Fries and a drink were the accompaniment.  This combo meal #1 cost me close to $10!  Inflation has really taken hold across the country!

2022-10-19f - GrapesI wasn’t too hungry this evening for dinner, but I have to have something healthy today, right?  Well, “Grapes” were my choice for an evening dessert (see photo to the left).  Not as sweet as a donut, but certainly more healthy!

2022-10-19g - Reeses & DonutFor a late night snack you would think that I would have something healthy like more grapes, or perhaps an apple?  Guess again…  My sweet tooth took over and I had a couple of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups & another donut (see photo to the right).

Hopefully I will be eating better tomorrow, but since we’re going to the State Fair, I doubt it.

Let’s see what the scale beams back at me tomorrow morning!


Author: MainAdmin

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